Tuesday 21 December 2010

Final post showreel/design sheet

As my main interest in the games industry is environment modelling I have taken on the role of an environmental artist or a prop artist. For this I have done my show reel based on environment and have also created a design sheet for a prop that I created in my second year of university, thus demonstrating how I would showcase my work.
The Show Reel
For my show reel I used 50% of my own work and 50% of other peoples show reels and concept art that inspired me.
The work included in my show reel is all environmental and does not focus much on props. The environment pieces I have used are: -
·         Cottage
·         Indoor cottage
·         Reservoir dogs scene
·         The Abandoned Hall Way
Below is a direct link to my show reel.
The Cottage
 As you can see in the show reel the cottage is WIP (work in progress) and is still in the block out stage. I decided to show the model I have done so far on it and also the concept art that I am working from. I have tried to set up cameras in the style I want them to be in my final show reel, and also added a character artist’s show reel to give a better understanding to the approach I am going for.
In door cottage
I chose to do the inside of the cottage I am creating as well. I have not yet started the block out stage of this yet, so I have added the concept art and an example from an environment artists show reel. His show reel demonstrates good camera movement around the environment, showing the depth of lighting he has used as well as showing wire frame view. I hope to achieve the same effect when I do my final product.
Reservoir dogs scene
In my film scene (Reservoir Dogs) I want to show the progression stages I have done to get my final product. For this I have used what I have created so far. I first used cameras with a repeat rotation on them, then I rendered out a base texture build and then rendered out the diffuse maps. After doing this I then faded them in together to get the effect I was looking for. With the final product I will also be showing wire frame normal maps and light maps. At the end of the progression stage I plan on showing beauty shots of the scene showing close ups of the environment.

The Abandoned Hall Way
The final environment piece will be my Abandoned Hall way. For this I plan to mainly show beauty shots of the scene with the possibility of a fly through camera. I have yet to start the block out of this scene, so I made use of the concept sheet I am working from. This will exhibit my strengths in hard edge modelling.
The music I have used is from the films “28 Days/Weeks Later” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbwlGv9SWfY) The reason I have chosen this song is that it does not seem too overpowering and gives my environments more of a deep/dark mood (Which is the effect I am trying to achieve).

Design sheet
The design sheet is based on a prop I created for my character in the steam punk project in year 2 of the course. The sheet shows two perspective shots, one front view and one side view. All shots have AO (ambient occlusion) maps and are also shown in wire frame.

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