Friday 3 December 2010

03 December 2010

This week I have been working on my Show reel plan. As said in my blog post on the 12th November 2010 I will be using 4 environment scenes which are in the following order :
·         Cottage – I will first start off with my cottage on a turn table. This will be showing the underneath of the cottage and the environment around it, this will show use of foliage as well as being able to work from concept are.
·         2. Cottage inside – After displaying the outside of the cottage I will show the inside of it. This will hopefully show the viewer that I can work well with lighting, as this piece of concept show good lighting from the fire, giving a warm atmosphere.
·         3. Hall way – The Hall way peace will show that I can work well with hard edge modelling. As the hall way looks like it has been abandoned this will also show that my skill and ability to make my models look used and worn.
·         4. Reservoir Dogs – The final environment scene will be from the movie Reservoir Dogs. As I am doing the textures in a more grunge style, this piece  of work will show I am able to work with film material but also reconstruct different elements if necessary(e.g. the textures).

At present I am half way through my show reel plan. I plan to make my show reel last about 1:30 – 2:00 long. If I have any extra time on my show reel after displaying my environments then I will be placing some assets that I have created in other scenes or in my spare time.
(Below is a screen shot of the show reel layout up to date)

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