Friday 10 December 2010

10th December 2010

This week I have carried on with my show reel plan.
I have now added video material from a character artists show reel to show the view the effect I am trying to achieve. This effect is a turn table of the character and then the camera dose close ups showing off the high detail on the model.
Below is a screen grab of my show reel plan with the character artists show reel in the clip.
As stated before the character artist dose close ups of his model, I am also going to do the same effect to show off the model more. I have put together a camera rig and batch rendered off the scenes to place in to my show reel. Below is an image of this.
Next week I will be posting up my final show reel plan. I am going to add text to the show reel as well as more images and possibly more video animation.

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