Friday 13 May 2011

13th may 2011 Final Blog Post

As this is my last blog post for professional practice in the games industry, I have decided to talk about the final pieces of work that I have created this year.

Business card

With the business card I used a default size for a business card which is 2.0 high and 3.5 inches wide.
As I wanted to show that I am a games artist, I created my business card to have a popular and well know game called “Pac-man” as my theme, as I believe it will seem more appealing than a normal business card.

Below is a link to the business card I created.


As well as the business card I also created a CV. This explained my background, my experience within video game development and my education and software skills. I kept the CV to a single page as I believe that if a CV is over a page long it seems very off putting when applying for a job, as the company just need to know the main core points about you.

(CV can be displayed on the website link provided bellow)

Show reel

For my final show reel I wanted to display the work that I have created within the third and final year of the course. This included my Reservoir Dogs scene, casino rock stage, casino rock instruments and the abandoned hallway scene. As I would like to be an environment artist as well as a prop artist I believe that displaying my skills within both areas was vital when creating the show reel. I achieved this by showing the environments I created, as well as the instruments I created for the casino rock stage environment.

Below is a direct link to the final show reel I created:
To display everything I had made in the final year of university, I created a website. This displays the house style presentation for all of the work I have completed in the third year as well as my CV, business card and show reel.
Below is a direct link to my website.

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