Friday 18 February 2011

18th February 2011

This week I have been reviewing the Brief for our second assignment and what parts of my portfolio I would like to be marked on.

Below is how I would like to be marked on the work I do: -

40% Show reel: - The show reel will consist of work I have done with in the final year and possibly work I have done while being on the course. The two main parts of work it will be focusing on will be The Rock Band Stage and The Abandoned Hall Way.

10% Business cards: - This will be mock up ideas for a business card, and also the final design and product.

20% Presentation sheets: - These will be high quality renders of my work printed out and displayed in a physical portfolio.

Progression of this will be displayed in my upcoming blog posts.

Friday 11 February 2011

End of year company

For this blog post I have researched in to “Capcom” for one of the companies I would want to invite to the end of year show.

Capcom – The reason I chose Capcom was for its well-known gory/fighting games, such as Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Devil May Cry. For each of these three games the environment scenes are all very different.
  • ·         Street Fighter – Side scrolling fighting game. For their latest Street Fighter (Street Fighter 4) Capcom kept the arcade feel but made the environment 3D. This was a new challenge for them and the result was very good, keeping the 2D side scrolling feel, with cartoony textures in a 3D environment.
  • ·         Devil May Cry – Devil my cry is a hack and slash game where you run round large environments defeating enemies. Unlike Street fighter, these environments are realistic base, showing good use of lighting, camera angles and texture maps.
  • ·         Resident Evil – This is most probable Capcom’s biggest title. Well known as a video game and also as a movie, Resident Evil environments set the mood for the game its self. Resident Evils environments look very old and destroyed to give a better fell of “chaos”.

Overall I think that Capcom would be a great company to invite to the end of the year show. This being because they have a good understanding of different art styles, being it cartoony or realistic.