Friday 19 November 2010

19th november 2010

This week I have been looking at the audio side of the show reels and been lessening to audio that could work for the style of show reel I want.
As the models in my show reel are going to be mainly very dark and mysterious I needed a song that would give the show reel a bit more depth.
Below is one song I have found that could work for the show reel I am trying to create: -

Friday 12 November 2010

12th November 2010

As I discussed last week with Dave, I will not be putting any of my previous work from the first year and second year in to my show reel, this being because I do not think it is good enough for a show reel and I believe that my skills have improved since being on the course.
These are the three environment concepts I am going to model or my “Advanced Modelling and Animation Techniques”

Environment scene 1
This environment will be created on a turn table. You will be able to see the piping from the cottage and also the tree roots at the bottom of the turn table. I plan on doing a 360 degree turn of the environment and then show it in wireframe view with diffuse, normal and light map textures applied. Because this is a very small scene I also plan on doing close up shots with the camera panning across to show of detail in the environment. This piece of work will be at the start of my show reel.

Environment scene 2
After showing the cottage on the turn table I plan on showing this environment after it. This environment will be the inside of the cottage. I am hoping to get good lighting effects from this scene. Unlike the first environment this will not be done on a turn table but instead the camera will a slow pan of the room, again showing wireframe and texture maps.
(0:44 -0:56)

Environment scene 3
This environment will be a slow fly through, hopefully doing close ups on some parts of the props in the scene. This piece of work will show that i am able to work well with hard edge modelling.
(0:41 -0:53)

Environment scene 4
Currently this is the environment I am working on for my “Advanced rendering techniques” assignment. These will consist of three still images, the reason being for this is because it is a very small environment. The scene will also consist of characters that Terry Baldock has been creating. (Credit in the show reel will announced)